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Blue House Yard | Affordable Workspace | Offices | Bus Cafe | Wood Green | Haringey

Blue House Yard Wood Green

5 River Park Road, Wood Green, N22 7TB

Timeline: 2017 to 2021

Blue House Yard is a redevelopment and re-imagining of an empty and underused site a few minutes from Wood Green station.​ High Street Works in partnership with London Borough of Haringey has transformed the site into a place for local creatives, entrepreneurs and residents for the meanwhile use period of 5 years.​ The redevelopment provides both private space for rent and a new public space for meeting friends, discovering events and interacting with local designer makers.

What’s unique about Blue House Yard is the all-encompassing approach that was taken, combining maker space with public space, creating retail opportunities as well as space for leisure and events. The ecology of uses and diversity of occupiers, with 80% being local to the area, has already started to result in nurturing inter-dependencies between businesses, visitors and residents. A sense of community has also been strengthened by the formation of a tenant association which was granted ward funding for urban gardening and family-focused events with plans to run vegan markets, music performances and cinema nights. Blue House Yard has a key role to play in Haringey’s “Meanwhile Campus” that now occupies 3 Council-owned sites in the town centre. It demonstrates Haringey’s commitment to a joined-up cultural and economic strategy for the period preceding an ambitious masterplan which will transform Wood Green over the next years delivering new public spaces, housing and workspace developments while aiming at offering better opportunities and facilities to existing communities.

Delivered in partnership with Jan Kattein Architects (through our joint venture design, build and operate vehicle High Street Works) and Haringey Council this project provides studio space and new build retail/workspace for creatives and designers to establish and grow in the Wood Green area. This meanwhile use site comprises a carpark and a building named Tulip House found at 5 River Park Road, Wood Green.

These spaces have been redeveloped to create new spaces for local creatives and start up enterprises who want to make, do and sell from the site for 4-5 years:

  • 9 two storey timber worksheds - storage above and visible work / retail space below

  • A new café housed in a double decker bus

  • Space for cultural events and pitches for markets

  • An open access ceramics workshop

  • Studios / office spaces for rent

Check our Available Spaces page to find out about what is currently available, or register your interest with Kieran for future spaces at Blue House Yard.



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