New Windows on Willesden Green, Hanger Lane W5 3HU
October 2011
New Windows on Willesden Green was one of the Mayor’s Outer London Fund Round 1 projects, delivered for Brent Council and Design for London by The Architecture Foundation, Meanwhile Space and Blue Consulting. This project was an exciting opportunity to revive and improve Willesden High Road bringing positive change to the area. The New Windows on Willesden Green project has worked to leave behind a strong and active partnership of residents and businesses that can continue to build on the enthusiasm generated by the project, and create a vibrant and viable town centre in Willesden. A Community Development Panel has been put in place to allow access to small grants for projects from the Community First Fund (a recent Government scheme to encourage community led initiatives) and from which – with the support of Meanwhile Space – a Town Team has developed. The Town Team will take ownership of its vision for Willesden Green and develop its own ideas around how to make Willesden a better place to live and work in.